Neil Piccinin

aka, Nillo

Born of Italian immigrants in Melbourne, at the time of the Commonwealth Games and introduction of television, I was fortunate to have studied the law in my final matriculation year in North Melbourne in the pivotal year, 1973, that the Commonwealth silently died. The Constitution was one third of that subject and little did I know that it would become a major concern of mine as I grappled with it and uncovered its secrets over the course of two plus decades.

A student of the law is generically called a lawyer to which I identify. However only those who receive the status of passing the required certificates in passing tests may go on to practice under licence. I am fortunate that I am not constrained by that licence.

In 2004 after some considerable research and attendances in courts after the liquidation of my companies and bankruptcy at the hands of French J, who shortly thereafter became the Chief Justice of the High Court, I placed an Information Request to the Government and received an answer that found that the law that created the office of Queen of Australia that the entire nation of Australia was utilising as the authority to run the governments and court could not be found.

Imagine that, that this novice apprentice of a law student uncovered a deep dark secret that the authority by which every government in Australia, and those of the courts, did not exist as the constitution did not provide that power to the Commonwealth Parliament. It had to be referred to the people, via the referendum power, via section 128 of the Constitution.

This author continued private law studies, and several law units at TAFE in Perth, to dig deeper and network with other like minds on this quest for the true source of power in this nation and how it came to become to be perverted.

I have the good fortune to have met several knowledgeable and wise students of the law and the valuable experience of working with former Australian Senator, Rod Culleton, who entrusted the tasks of Restoration of the Commonwealth of Australia, via petition, and take to account the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, and the Governor, of Western Australia in the High Court of Justice in London, a memorable experience on a shoe string.

With the current rising tension between the government and the governed, it seems quite pressing that the dictates of tyrannical governments, seizing the opportunity of a health crisis to enlarge its powers, be brought to account for its lawlessness.

This year has been acutely stressful where my main efforts have been to claw back my health from several chronic disorders, and thankful to a few helpful and knowledgeable friends that I’m almost there.

The time is calling for there to be an account of this lawlessness, … I hear.

In service,

Neil Piccinin

Neil Piccinin

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